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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:26 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
Location: Essen, Germany
Media Man (2) Donator (1)

Recording: Questions regarding recording microphone.

This goes out to the guys here who are recording gameplay from the pubserver or missions.

The first issue is how to properly record your microphone in ArmA 3. The problem is that I want to use push to talk at all times, so there is no annoying background noise like breathing, keyboard noise or just stuff that is happening outside. For some reason fraps and other recording software do not allow you to use two seperate buttons to record your microphone. So it is quite problematic when you are using ACRE. I can either record my radio chatter or my local chatter but not both.

So the only option I see right now is to record my entire microphone with audacity during a recording and afterwards delete  all the annoying noise and try to get it in sync with the video.

Is there a better option to do this?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:19 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1585
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
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I do have an idea of how to sync up the beginning/end, but since Shadowplay records using variable frame rate, the audio will go out of sync with time.
I guess you could use something like Handbrake to re-encode the shadowplay recordings to a constant frame rate (and if you're using Lightworks or Premiere you'll have to do that anyway),
but I find it much more comfortable to use Sony Vegas Pro (13) which handles variable frame rate correctly, so I save one step of re-encoding.

However, if you're using a program that records in constant frame rate (dxtory/fraps can do that, iirc) or are willing to try and see how well this works once you "constant-ize" with handbrake, 
this was my original suggestion:

  1. Start recording your desktop
    If you enable a windows "areo" theme for your desktop (the ones with transparency), then you can get shadowplay to record your desktop.
  2. Start your recording programm
  3. Make a constant noise (humm/sing/etc)
  4. Click the "record" button in your recording program
Now you have a semi-accurate (not quite clapboard-level but probably better than what most gaming channels use) sync point.
When you're done recording, you should do the inverse: Make noise, click stop recording, all while still recording video.

PS: Or just get a pop-filter/windbreaker for your mic ;)

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:39 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
Location: Essen, Germany
Media Man (2) Donator (1)
I pretty much figured this out a few days ago. I do it as following:

1. I record the video and the normal audio with fraps.
2. I deactive microphone recording in fraps completly.
3. I record my microphone with Audacity.

You pretty much start the recording in Audacity before you hit the recording key for fraps. This one sounds a bit silly, but I press the record key harder as usual. By this my microphone records it and I can see and hear it in the audio track. This will mark the start and the end of my recording. So basically I cut away the audio before and after the end and replace the sound of me pressing the button with silence in the adio track. After that I use the noise removal function from audacity and also pretty much clear the entire audio track by hand. With this I can replace anything I dont want in the recording with silence. So the audio track is free of any unwanted sounds at all. After that I also adjust the volume levels a bit and the audio track is done.



After that I simply put the audio track and the video together and it works like a charm so far.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:27 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1585
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Donator (1)
Mefirst wrote:
This one sounds a bit silly, but I press the record key harder as usual. By this my microphone records it and I can see and hear it in the audio track.
That's really clever actually...It does require you to have a mic that'll pick it up of course, but then again if you don't, you probably don't have the original problem to begin with.
You could even use this idea to get additional sync points during gameplay by e.g. hitting your inventory key really hard.

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