3 Commando Brigade

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Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:05 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Posts: 27
Asset Medal [Armour] (1)

Hello there!

Hi all, I'm Costo (David), I am 27 years old doing my masters in technical chemistry in Austria.

I started playing Arma in 2013 with the rise of DayZ mod and been captivated by its multiplayer ever since. From 2013 until its third disbandment about a year ago I was part of Taskforce 47 [TF47].
Steam says I've got 5700+ hours on the clock (or at least the launcher open).

In 2014/15 I did my six months mandatory military service in the Austrian Army and had basic infantry training.

Ingame I tink I've done everything the game has to offer. I can shoot (and miss), I can drive (and not miss), I can fly (don't want to brag, but I thing rather good). I know my way around the game being a bundle of bugs wrapped up in a sheet and how to deal with it.
I definitly walked at least twice across all the more popular maps. I can name every stone and brush on Takistan and counted the leaves on Tanoa, so the only thing left that entertains me is running around with a rifle while beeing shot, bombed or shelled with a bunch of people that are not shooting in my direction. 
Being "new" here and taking orders brings me back to the beginnings when I had no clue about the game and just took orders without having three better ideas. That's why I like being "just a rifleman" ("Schütze Arsch") and only doing what I am told to do.

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