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Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:38 am     Super secret spam barrier

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Medical systems and the public server

Anti tl;dr version

There is no real difference in treatment on the public server and private operations
You cant have multiple medical systems active
Things will get better with ACE3

tl;dr version

The system itself in AGM is the same. You have to do the same things as on the public server. The only difference to the private settings is that two things are restricted, so only medics can use epinmephrine and blood bags. That is the way AGM works and it doesnt really allow any deeper level of gameplay. The only thing you can do in the module is to restrict healing or the use of items to a field hospital etc. In the end the process of treating somebody is always the same.

I agree that the medical system in AGM is pretty flat, but for the time this what we are using. As most communties in ArmA, we are looking forward to ACE3. ACE3 is mostly using the medical system of CSE and the system allows a more deeper level of gameplay, while being highly customizable.

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Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:59 am     Super secret spam barrier

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When it comes to ACE3 I would guess we consider testting it at one point, but no ETA on it.

The medical system in ACE3 is basically the one that is being used in CSE and I personally think it is the best system around in ArmA 3 right now. It pretty much has three pillars.

Blood Pressure

When a player gets hit, he will start bleeding from a part of his body. CSE features different body parts like arms, legs, head and torso. You can also recieve small, medium and large wounds. Depending on the size of the wound you have to use a different bandage. Wounds can also open up again, unless you stitch them with a special itemt. Wounds also have a effect in the blood pressure and the pulse, so you also have to keep that in mind. It also does feature stuff like CPR.

I think that gives you a small impression on how this system works.

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Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:12 am     Super secret spam barrier
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We've used over the years:

Vanilla BIS
BTC Revive

We settled on AGM at some point as being the least buggy and most commonly acceptable.

No doubt we'll move to ACE3 when it's 1)released and 2)stable/bug free, with it's modular configurable medical system which is a combination of AGM and CSE (not one or the other).

When we do that there will be a discussion about what settings we adopt.

My guess is that half the people will want the full-on medical system (for reasons blah blah), and the other half will want a simplified system (for other reasons blah blah). Half the people will be unhappy. Been there, seen it.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:07 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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The good thing about the medical system in ACE3/CSE is that it allows the most compromises.

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Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:05 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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Cougar wrote:
Mefirst wrote:
The good thing about the medical system in ACE3/CSE is that it allows the most compromises.

If this is the case i still need to ask why we don't use CSE? I imagine there is a good reason.

Just for clarification

AGM (Authentic Gameplay Modification) and CSE (Combat Space Enhancement) are or were pretty similar mods. When CSE was used here, it was quite buggy and at the time AGM was much more stable, so the decision was made to use AGM. Both AGM and CSE will not get any further content updates, since both teams joined together with the guys from the ACE Mod to create ACE3. I dont see a point to switch from AGM to something else at this point. AGM is stable and has the stuff we need. At one point ACE3 will be in a state where we can use it and I am sure if this is the case, we will use it eventually. Right now nothing is broken in AGM and everything is working fine. No need for changes right now.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:08 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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RDogg wrote:
The bigger challenge will be ourselves testing it. ACE3 may already replicate some of the stuff our mods do already but given the early state of ACE they may do it better. With 40 odd mods I we have to work out what works, what doesn't, whats better, what's not, etc... Although I'm only assuming here. It could be a cake walk for all I know.
I'm really interesting in narrowing our mod-list down  a bit, but the first attempt (replacing the various "opfor" packs with a single opfor pack) hasn't really worked out since the target mod was sadly not up to 3CB standards :(

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:19 am     Super secret spam barrier

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clyde wrote:
Wasn't it said that the errors in Leights Opfor would only happen once on startup and were not even serious ones (too many mags etc.)? I'm sure I saw a couple of people mention this and it was ignored. Is it not even worth a try to see what happens?
A bit off-topic, but here's the rpt. While there are a few "magazine not stored in" errors, most of them are serious issues with the models themselves. Materials missing, references going nowhere, etc.
As our experience with @Trixie's CTD-inducing optic has shown us, badly set-up models are a major contributor to CTD's. 

There's two things we're looking for in the *.rpt errors
1.) Continuous spam output to the *.rpt. This will degrade performance of the server/clients not running "-noLogs" over time, meaning they're a no-go for a server that has to run for hours, if not days, without restart.
2.) The actual error messages themselves. The *.rpt file isn't just about performance, it's also a place where the engine (and scripts) output a lot of important "OMFG something went wrong" messages.
"Magazines not stored in vest" is not a serious error, but model related errors are (as mentioned above) a very serious reason to avoid a mod.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:22 am     Super secret spam barrier
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I tested the pack myself a while back and it was full of errors. Vella recently tested it again (hoping that these errors had been fixed) - same result:

Leight's Opfor Pack

I've removed all startup errors - only errors that were caused during a test mission are shown. I'm up for giving it a good go one night (on one of the Dev servers), but I can't promise we'll use it (as much as I absolutely love that pack). We may be extremely lucky and experience no noticeable issues - but I get the feeling we'll start seeing more frequent "Steam ticket check failed" drops + reduced frames if we use this in our ops.

@Apollo - how do you feel about us putting this on the public at some point for stress-testing (after initial dev server testing, assuming it all goes well)? I'll take care of setting up the server and providing a suitable mission that uses the mod.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:42 am     Super secret spam barrier

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It seems like Leight isn't even active anymore? He hasn't posted anything on the BI forums in over a month and the mod hasn't seen an update in even longer? 
Maybe @3CB_Opfor_units needs to be a thing in the future? ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:41 am     Super secret spam barrier
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I PM'd Leight shortly after our test of his pack, passing on our list of errors and with an offer to help clear them up if needed. I never got a reply and he hasn't posted on the BIS forums recently either.

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