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World of Our Own Design (Nation Creation Game Thread)

13 posts in this topic
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:39 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 148
Service Medal (3) Mission Designer (1)
Map Fixed with additions:



Nation Name:
Patagonian Confederacy
Commonly known as: Patagonian Confederacy
Type of Government: Authoritarian Dictatorship
Head(s) of State: Leopoldo Galtieri
Capital: Buenos Aires
Population: 43,329,725
Official Language: Spanish
Brief history: The formation of the Patagonian Confederacy came as an alliance to defend against the Peruvian Bolivian coalition, and fought off an attempted invasion to seize the northern mines in 1879. Although the alliance held firm and defeated the coalition, the Argentinean president seized the palace and executed the prime minister of Chile, and suppressing initial revolts to turn the confederacy from a loose alliance to a state that although was initially powerful, declined after the rise of the popularity of oil and suffered from less exports coming into the country. Currently the Patagonian leadership is looking towards the weakened Commonwealth and rumors state that they may seize the Islas Malvinas to "unite the patagonians as one, rather than be divided".


Nation Name: Republic of Texas
Commonly known as: Texas
Type of Government: Constitutional Republic
Head(s) of State: David Burnet
Capital: Dallas
Population: 28,673,128
Official Language: English, Spanish
Brief history: After the war between the United States and Mexico, the Republic of Texas finally achieved independence and remained close allies with the United States into the beginning of the 21st Century. Although some talk emerged of a possible union with the United States, it was prevented by the ensuing Civil War in the late 1800s and the temporary rule of a dictatorship that was overthrown due to its corruption and oppression of the people. Despite the collapse of the United States, Texas still has close ties with the American Republic and groups are calling for a possible union, which is slowly gaining popularity and is opposed by Spanish speaking migrants who feel they may lose rights if Texas becomes part of the Constitutional Republic. But currently all eyes are pointed towards a potential flashpoint in the Caribbean where not only has the Bolivarian Republic seized Trinidad from the West Indies, but an incident in which Jamaican Insurgents bombed a government building in retaliation to the Hispaniolan occupation has led to a crackdown upon the local populace with rumors of possible war crimes occurring on the island. This has led sympathizers and migrants from Jamaica to call for the Texan Army to intervene and prevent a possible massacre, despite the resentment the Carribbean people have towards the North American states.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:09 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 148
Service Medal (3) Mission Designer (1)


Nation Name: Vladivostok Tsardom
Commonly known as: White Russia
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Head(s) of State: Igor Pushkaryov
Capital: Vladivostok
Population: 768,582,381
Official Language: Russian
Brief history: The White movement during the Russian Civil War failed ultimately to remove power from the communists in Moscow, but with help from the international community was able to control eastern portions of the newly declared Soviet Union. After the stalemate in the war was deemed impossible to break, both sides declared a ceasefire, but were still technically in a state of war with each other. Recently Vladivostok has looked towards its former Soviet neighbor as it collapsed under economic pressure and now is expanding its influence around Eastern Asia due to its lack of serious rivals in the region.


Nation Name: Iberian Republic
Commonly known as: Iberia
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Head(s) of State: Felipe VI
Capital: Madrid
Population: 56,381,398
[b]Official Language: Spanish, Portuguese
[b]Brief history: The royal unification of the kingdom of Portugal and Castille formed a regional power that soon absorbed its neighbors on the peninsula. The nation was able to maintain a powerful stance as a influential power until the war of 1873, in which Albion and her allies invaded the northern territories of Iberia and destroyed much of its industry. Iberia is still a regional power, but has fallen from its previous "superpower" like state. Recently the county of Basque has revolted and insurgent groups have caused a temporary withdrawal of Iberian forces from the small self-declared republic. The international community recognizes the struggle of the Basque people, but recently have lost support due to their tactics of suicide bombing and hostage taking, in a particular case where citizens from Iberia, Albion, the North German Kingdom, and the Two Sicilies were executed after terrorists deemed the oil rig they were trapped on would be overrun by special forces from Iberia.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:57 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 148
Service Medal (3) Mission Designer (1)
RDogg wrote:
Howl wrote:
So, is Antarctica still not up for grabs?

Economy consists of selling ice cubes globally, contracting igloo builders, and importing expensive thermal wear.  

Indeed, besides this is a realistic world so no penguin army. But just for you Howl I could create another map game where we create a fantasy world full of elves, orcs, and of course intelligent polar bears that enslaved the penguin peoples.

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