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Armored Vehicles

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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:47 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 629
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IIRC, the reason we don't have any heavy armour in most of our public missions is because it can get too OP. A well trained crew can easily clean the entire map. 

We used Burnes' CR2 mod a bit back but figured it was too OP because near nothing could reliably destroy it. And, like I said, a good crew wiped out enemy contacts in a matter of seconds. The infantry got bored at times because of this, and made the gameplay less enjoyable. Not to mention, rambo Zulu's jumping into the tank and speeding off of the base alone, single crewing the vehicle and doing their own thing.

I've tested Burnes' Chally and it doesn't seem that OP anymore. A well placed APFSDS, both 120mm and 125mm, can damage the gun and turret. And, followed by another two-three rounds, effectively destroy it. Before, when it was in pub missions, you'd be lucky to destroy the tracks. Reason we don't use the CR2 anymore is because it doesn't pass our quality control.

That one lad from Essex.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:11 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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This is a Strawman hypothesis and invites burning down - FAIL FAST:

On the public server couldn't you spawn minefields "around" MBTs, unless it had infantry support(i.e. within a certain distance) or was "attached" to infantry troop/section (that might stop the lone wolfing)?

I think supporting a tank into a built up area would be super exciting for the infantry - collateral damage from RPGs... eek! From all the footage I've seen (OK, mainly middle east), the BIG gun is used very sparingly - hearts and minds.

My head is on a swivel, I just left the WD-40 at home.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:28 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Massey wrote:
On the public server couldn't you spawn minefields "around" MBTs, unless it had infantry support(i.e. within a certain distance) or was "attached" to infantry troop/section (that might stop the lone wolfing)?

I don't know, can you?

Members of 3CB are free to create a Public Mission, provided they meet the quality and requirements of the current missions in rotation. Existing missions can be opened into the Editor so that anyone with an interest in making a mission can learn from the setup in place. However, they will be responsible for updating and maintaining them should issues arise due to game or mod updates / changes.

In existing missions, the mission creator clearly deemed that an MBT wasn't required for game balance, as tanks on the Public suffer from the same issues that are CONSTANTLY raised about CAS, air transport, and recce teams. Non-members on the Public leap into the slots - often at the expense of filling a section - then can act entirely separately from the rest of the group, sometimes refusing to answer radio comms or coordinate with other players.

Finally, if during organized Public missions there is requirement for an MBT, or if a 3CB member of sufficient rank is playing on the Public, they are free to log into Zeus and spawn one, so long as they remain on the mission to supervise its proper use.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:51 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 214
Location: Kuwait
Evrik wrote:
 Non-members on the Public leap into the slots - often at the expense of filling a section - then can act entirely separately from the rest of the group, sometimes refusing to answer radio comms or coordinate with other players.
My question is how, by adding a tank to Zulu, is it going to add to the problem? Non-members especially new ones right now, can just as easily get into a Warrior or Apache and drive off. Only solution I can think of is having only qualified members and non-members (maybe training or certification by a 3CB member) are allowed to use Zulu and Mortar, less probably Whisky and Recce. Said non-members either have to be: 
1- Experienced with the server (been around for a certain amount of time)
2- Shown to properly able to manage playing with all other elements in the field.
3- Proficient in communications, and well-adjusted with the basics of Arma and the mods involved in the server.
This would basically mean only 3CB members and non-members who were qualified by 3CB members could get into Zulu/Mortar. But I wouldn't know of the practicality of getting that into place.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 2:32 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 214
Location: Kuwait
Then the only way we can find out for sure is just to put a tank on one of the maps, and see how that plays out. I mean, it isn't impossible to have tanks on a public server. Zeus milsim community, a public vanilla milsim server (anyone at all can join), almost every vehicle in Arma was available at base, yet, 80% of the time I played there, which was for a long time, everyone did what they were supposed to do, no one took a vehicle unless under direct command from his SL.

I've personally only ever seen 2 instances in 8 months of people lone-wolfing on this server. Once with some kid taking out an Apache and not using comms, about 3 months ago, and  also 3 months ago, when a long time public member who was acting Mortar wasn't responding on comms. Any other instance of lone-wolfing was new players arriving into an empty base, and not knowing what to do, so they take a vehicle and either go to their section, go out by theirselves, or leave the server.

As for your outline:
1-Got to stick with my ethics guide-book! link here = Bob Ross: New joy in Painting
2-Will take too much time, 3 years to become 3CB and infinity to learn mission-making. 
3-Can't break a rule of physics can I now?

I, personally, believe the believed consequences of abuse in tanks are way too far-fetched (if a public vanilla milsim server can do it, why can't we?). Nevertheless, another solution:
As on the Zeus Milsim server, the reason people couldn't take tanks, especially if they are in an infantry section, is because SL must allow them to take an armored vehicle. Basically if someone joined an infantry section, and the SL was allowed to take tanks, SL had to open up a menu, and allow his squad to enter armored vehicles. 
If someone was un-authorized and tries to get into an armored vehicle or a helicopter, it would automatically kick him out of said vehicle. This menu thing did not apply to un-armored or light armored personnel carriers, which in our case would be Jackals, Coyotes, Foxhounds, and Ridgebacks.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:31 am     Super secret spam barrier
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But then some slots in as 3-2 with their buddy, and spawns a tank. Just turns each section into another Zulu.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 8:06 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 214
Location: Kuwait
Nick Seafort wrote:
But then some slots in as 3-2 with their buddy, and spawns a tank. Just turns each section into another Zulu.
I doubt people would do that, that is a very very slim possibility of happening. That never happened on a server where anyone at all can join and troll, and on a server as ours, where people are way more mature than any random public server. In months in playing in the Zeus server, no one did that. The counter to this problem is simple, only having 2 tanks/IFVs per map. 2 Zulus, 2 tanks, no problem. 

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:40 am     Super secret spam barrier
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There are no plans to update the current missions at this time to include an MBT. More pressing issues take preference - such as maintaining the missions we have when arma 3 is updated in the very near future.

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Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:43 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 214
Location: Kuwait
I know Scofer's REDFOR mission was taken out of rotation 2 months ago, will it be put back in rotation by any chance? It has been mentioned several times in this forum.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:53 am     Super secret spam barrier
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I would assume its been taken out of rotation because its broken, If so it will need fixing first, and there is a long list of things that need fixing etc.

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